„Surrender“ is not a word in Toni & Charlie’s vocabulary. They are in desperate need for a pet. For a dog, to be precise. Unfortunately, between their wish and the dog, there’s Dad – referred …
Zwei Schwestern und der Rest der Welt
„Surrender“ is not a word in Toni & Charlie’s vocabulary. They are in desperate need for a pet. For a dog, to be precise. Unfortunately, between their wish and the dog, there’s Dad – referred …
WeiterlesenYes, my colour palette for this Toni & Charlie episode is a bit reduced. The dull and dreary weather in January has somehow found its way into this episode 🌧🌨, just in case you’re wondering. …
WeiterlesenYou can rant and rave about the Covid pandemic, the year 2020 has surprised us with. I could rant about home schooling and how it just didn’t work during the first lockdown in March and …
WeiterlesenAfter three months of lockdown, Toni & Charlie are glad that their daily routines are back to normal. Finally, they can go and see grandmom and grandad again, they can meet with their friends. In …
WeiterlesenOccasionally, not too often, I find the time for a translated version of my Toni & Charlie series. This time, they spend a couple of days off down by the Sea. This new episode is …
WeiterlesenFor episode 47, I have sent Toni & Charlie into an enchanted forest. As it is wont for such an environment, strange things will happen. Maybe not always logical, but hopefully entertaining. Apart from some …