Tony and Charlie have landed in a disturbing environment, where the furniture looks like antiques, electric outlets cannot be found, where there are only horses but no cars in the road and where adults talk strangely.
At the end of episode 77, Toni & Charlie asked which year it was. They were told the year was MDCCCXIX. This was just another (visual) gag that went well with the story and the suspense. My valued reader will have correctly transformed the Roman numerals, I guess.
This is why we see Charlie shouting out loud „1819!“ in the first panel of the new episode. No wonder Charlie wants to go outside for some fresh air.
I was not yet ready to release Toni & Charlie from their uncomfortable situation. It had to become worse first. So episode 78 is basically about making things worse for kids. Told in such a way that my younger readers still would find things to laugh about.
Writing a plausible story around that was a bit of a challenge.
I hope you like it.